

This is the time on Sprockets where we look at our finances and ask ourselves "what can I do to help myself get ahead..."

Seriously when the banks start failing, you know that happy days aren't here again.. and that they'll be gone for a while... Fuck. 118 years after you started out being a local Seattle bank, you fucked up big time and the government said no more? Jesus, over inflated ego much?

I guess now that I'm 30, I should wake up and pay attention to finances and politics... eew.


Diamonds are forever.

I went to visit my grandma today.

She gave me a pair of diamond earrings. They are earrings she had made about 15 years ago from a diamond ring that had belonged to her aunt. There were 6 stones. She and my aunt had earrings, my mom took her stones and put them into a newer wedding ring. She had her ears pierced at the age of 60 so she could wear diamonds! But, she never really wore them.

Today, I got them.

Thank you grandma, I love you.
You know you've lost a bit of weight when your bathrobe is getting to be to big.

Fall seems to have finally shown up! The nights and mornings are getting cool and crisp.


I do what?

I'm trying to figure out if I'm over pronating... who knew this could be so had to figure out on one's own.
Next week, I'm going to Super Jock N Jill in Greenlake, I hope they can figure me out. I'm so done with blisters and my heels not fitting well in my shoes.


When I've gone to the Humane Society, I cry.



Oh wireless router, I'm glad you were replaced!

My dog is afraid of strange men with leaf blowers, but not afraid of my dad with a leaf blower.

When washing laundry with a random towel that was used for cleaning guns, it will take a good 5 or so washings/soakings with water softeners, liquid Dawn, your regular laundry detergent and 2 scented dryer sheets to get the awesome chemical scent out. Thanks sweetie, I love you.

Stroh tastes like burning and butterscotch and christmas... all in one awful fiery gulp. Yuck.

Moleskin doesn't work.

I've committed myself to 2 5ks! The Issaquah Salmon 5k and Jingle Bell Run. Hmm.