
Dear little house:
We get your keys on Friday! We can't think about much else other than you becoming a part of our lives. (okay, total lie because at the moment my neck is out and all I can think about is that I can leave at 8:45 so I can be the first patient at my chiropractor.) The plan seems to be to move in and then in 6 months figure out how you can be ours for good. Yes, we'd like to be able to make you part of our family. It might be rough in the checkbook for a bit but, seriously it will be the best possible thing the two of us can do in our boring lives. I promise to eventually make your outsides as pretty as your insides. And we both promise to fill you up with the smells of great foods. And supply plenty of dogs and dog friends to run in your yard. Oh, and we'll use your yard to help keep us fed. Can't wait!!

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