
breakfast to go with 30

Today Kevin turned 30. 3-0.

Happy Birthday sweetie!

I got up around 8:30 and he stated that he thought I was sleeping in. After getting up for the past few days at 5:20, 8:30 was sleeping in.

I went out to the Alki Bakery to get him a cinnamon roll. Rumor has it they are the best in the city. And the rumor was right! Cream cheese type icing! No rasins! It was only $2.25?!
(this photo isn't mine)

They also have a location on 1st Ave!?! Holy crap. As Kevin said, it was made with cinnamon and yum. When I said it was a place we could start to frequent, he said we probably shouldn't. True that.

I also took him a breve mocha to go with.

I HAVE THE NEXT 5 DAYS OFF! Why? Because I'm smart and I use my vacation hours, and I have something like 115 of them to use.

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