
Feeling parched! sort of...

After I made my lovely breakfast of muesli, milk, honey and apple sauce, I decided to wash my hands. I turned on the facet in the kitchen to find that I have no water. Lovely.

When I called the leasing office to tell them they sounded so nice ands all duh! like. "We had to turn it off to work on the pipes." No warning to this? Even though a lot of people work during the day, including myself, some times we have a day off in the middle of the week or that random day where you get scheduled really late.

And yeah, it will be on in 15 minutes... I have a cold and touched the jar of honey, I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO WASH MY HANDS!

And I want to shower and shave my legs and turn on the dishwasher and wash ALL of my clothes right this minute!

In other news, some dude on The Ultimate Fighter had to go home last night because he had a mad case of herpes on his neck?! WTF? How did you get that on your neck? I used to have a massage client who had herpes in her eye, eek, and that I can understand but neck?

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